Datazoom Ecosystem Expansion — Snowflake

March 15, 2019

Connecting OTT’s only Data Control Platform with the first Enterprise Data Warehouse built for the Cloud

Snowflake, a powerful next-generation data warehouse, is growing in popularity among video distributors. Using an innovative, cloud-based approach for designing an enterprise data warehouse, Snowflake offers a low-maintenance, scalable, and drama-free solution which frees IT and Data Science teams to focus on operations and number crunching and not administration.

With a growing proportion of video distributors (and the video technology vendors which support them) seeking a flexible cloud warehouse to bolster their OTT operations, we’ve designed a way to deliver any data flowing over Datazoom’s Data Pipes into Snowflake. Datazoom’s AWS S3 Connectorfacilitates this data flow, and with a simple 5-minute credential validation Snowflake customers can route normalized video event, metadata, and FluxData into a powerful data warehouse for permanent storage and further analysis.

With Datazoom + Snowflake, video data can be captured with superior quality and at a scale never before seen to facilitate data storage and sharing in a few easy clicks from our UI. Moreover, for organizations looking to leverage new technology that are underpinned by artificial intelligence and machine learning in their online video operations, this powerful coupling of technologies provides the stable foundation that required to ground this task. This is all possible thanks to this collaboration, which provides a capable and intuitive capture, routing & storage infrastructure for data.

Want to learn more about Datazoom’s integration with Snowflake? Click here to schedule a call with our team, and discover how you can support your online video strategy with the first Data Control Platform dedicated to streaming media.

Originally published on Medium, October 19, 2018.


Datazoom featured in UpRamp Innovation Showcase


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